737 MAX Flight Crew Operations Manual
Supplementary Procedures -
Flight Management, Navigation
Proceeding Direct to a Waypoint (DIR/INTC)
YA251 - YA601, YA611, YA648, YA650, YB104, YB119, YC453, YF631, YF632, YK652, YK653
DIR INTC key ..................................................................................Push
Observe DIRECT TO box prompts displayed in line 6L.
Enter desired waypoint on the DIRECT TO line. Observe the
waypoint automatically transfers to line 1L.
Correct any ROUTE DISCONTINUITY if entered waypoint was not
in the original flight plan.
EXEC key .........................................................................................Push
Observe MOD RTE LEGS page changes to ACT.
Intercepting a Leg (Course) to a Waypoint
RTE LEGS page .............................................................................Select
On page 1/XX, line 1L, enter desired waypoint over presently active
Observe INTC CRS prompt displayed in line 6R.
Enter the desired intercept course in the INTC CRS line. Observe the
desired course is displayed on line 6R. The displayed course on line
1L may vary by several degrees due to magnetic variation.
Correct any ROUTE DISCONTINUITY if the entered waypoint was
not in original flight plan.
EXEC key .........................................................................................Push
Observe MOD RTE LEGS page changes to ACT.
LNAV may disengage after execution of an intercept leg to a
waypoint. If LNAV disengages, turn to a heading to satisfy LNAV
capture criteria, as described in Chapter 11, and then engage LNAV.
Intercepting a Leg (Course) to a Waypoint (DIR/INTC)
YA251 - YA601, YA611, YA648, YA650, YB104, YB119, YC453, YF631, YF632, YK652, YK653
DIR INTC key ..................................................................................Push
Observe INTC LEG TO box prompts displayed in line 6R.
Enter the desired waypoint on the INTC LEG TO line. Observe the
waypoint automatically transfers to line 1L.
Enter the desired intercept course in the INTC CRS line. Observe the
desired course is displayed on line 6R. The displayed course on line
1L may vary by several degrees due to magnetic variation.
March 1, 2021