737 MAX Flight Crew Operations Manual
Supplementary Procedures -
Flight Management, Navigation
YC095, YC572, YC573, YD303, YD307, YF703 - YF832, YR528, YR618 - YV671
ALT INTV switch (as installed)............................................. Push
Climb or descent is initiated. Mode annunciations appear as
initial climb or descent.
YA201 - YB271, YC453, YD256, YF631, YF632, YK652 - YN702, YR601 - YR617
VNAV switch ......................................................................... Push
Climb or descent is initiated. Mode annunciations appear as
initial climb or descent.
Intervention of FMC Altitude Constraints during VNAV Climb
YC095, YC572, YC573, YF631 - YF832, YL801 - YM648, YN701 - YV671
MCP altitude selector ..................................................... Set new altitude
New altitude must be higher than the FMC altitude constraint(s) to
be deleted.
ALT INTV switch ............................................................................ Push
Each push of the ALT INTV switch will delete an FMC altitude
Intervention of FMC Cruise Altitude during VNAV Cruise
YC095, YC573, YF631 - YF801, YL801 - YL809, YL811 - YL813, YL815 - YM648, YN701, YN702, YR602 - YR617, YR619, YR624, YR626 - YR628, YR630, YR631, YR634 - YR661, YR663 - YV671
MCP altitude selector ..........................................................................Set
ALT INTV switch ............................................................................ Push
If a higher altitude is selected, a CRZ climb will be started.
If the airplane is more than 50 nm from T/D, if a lower altitude is
selected, a CRZ descent will be started if the selected altitude is at
or above any FMC altitude constraint.
If the airplane is more than 50 nm from T/D, if a lower altitude is
selected, an early descent will be started if the selected altitude is
below any FMC altitude constraint.
If the airplane is 50 nm or less from T/D, if a lower altitude is
selected, an early descent will be started.
Intervention of FMC Altitude Constraints during VNAV
YC095, YC572, YC573, YF631 - YF832, YL801 - YM648, YN701 - YV671
MCP altitude selector ..................................................... Set new altitude
New altitude must be lower than the FMC altitude constant (s) to be
March 1, 2021