737 MAX Flight Crew Operations Manual
Chapter 0
Bulletin Record
Section 6
Bulletin Record
Bulletin Record
Bulletin Record
File Highlight
Bulletin Record
The Boeing Company issues Flight Crew Operations Manual Bulletins to provide
important information to flight crews prior to the next formal revision of the Flight
Crew Operations Manual. The transmitted information may be of interest to only
specific Operators or may apply to all Operators of this model airplane. Each
bulletin will vary.
Bulletins are dated and numbered sequentially for each operator. Each new
bulletin is recorded in this record when received and filed as instructed. A bulletin
may not apply to all airplane models. When appropriate, the next formal FCOM
revision will include an updated bulletin record page to reflect current bulletin
Temporary information is normally incorporated into the manual at the next
formal revision. When the condition remains temporary after a bulletin
incorporation, the temporary paragraphs are identified by a heading referencing
the originating bulletin. When the temporary condition no longer exists, the
bulletin is cancelled and the original manual content is restored.
Bulletin status is defined as follows:
• In Effect (IE) – the bulletin contains pertinent information not otherwise
covered in the Flight Crew Operations Manual. The bulletin remains
active and should be retained in the manual
• Incorporated (INC) – the bulletin operating information has been
incorporated into the Flight Crew Operations Manual. However, the
bulletin remains active and should be retained in the manual
• Cancelled (CANC) – the bulletin is no longer active and should be
removed from the Flight Crew Operations Manual. All bulletins
previously cancelled are no longer listed in the Bulletin Record.
The person filing a new or revised bulletin should amend the Bulletin Record as
instructed in the Administrative Information section of the bulletin. When a
bulletin includes replacement pages for the Flight Crew Operations Manual or
QRH, the included pages should be filed as instructed in the Flight Crew
Operations Manual Information section of the bulletin.
March 1, 2021