737 MAX Flight Crew Operations Manual
Supplementary Procedures -
Engines, APU
ENGINE panel ..........................................................................Set
Verify that the REVERSER lights are extinguished
Verify that the ENGINE CONTROL lights are extinguished
EEC switches - ALTN then ON
Oxygen panel ............................................................................Set
CREW OXYGEN pressure indicator - Check
Verify that the pressure meets dispatch requirements.
PASSENGER OXYGEN switch activation causes
deployment of the passenger oxygen masks.
PASSENGER OXYGEN switch - Guard closed
Verify that the PASS OXY ON light is extinguished.
Landing gear indicator lights ............................Verify illuminated
YC095, YD303, YD307, YF801, YV401 - YV671
Emergency EVACUATION activation
switch (as installed) ..................................................Guard closed
Verify that the EVAC light is extinguished
Manual gear extension access door ....................................Closed
Accomplish the normal CDU Preflight Procedure - Captain and First
Officer, Preflight Procedure - First Officer, Preflight Procedure - Captain,
Before Start Procedure and Before Taxi Procedure to ensure that the
flight deck preparation is complete.
BEFORE TAXI checklist............................................Accomplish
IRS alignment ................................................................ Complete
The airplane is ready for taxi. Refer to the normal checklists for
subsequent checks.
# Engine Start with Ground Air Source - LPU
(AC electrical power available)
Engine No. 1 must be started first.
When cleared to start:
APU BLEED air switch ...............................................................OFF
Engine No. 1 start ............................................................Accomplish
Use normal start procedures.
March 1, 2021