737 MAX Flight Crew Operations Manual
Performance Inflight
Boeing Proprietary. Copyright © Boeing. May be subject to export restrictions under EAR. See title page for details.
Flap Maneuver Speeds
This table provides flap maneuver speeds for various flap settings. During
flap retraction, selection of the next flap position is initiated when reaching
the maneuver speed for the existing flap position. During flap retraction,
at least adequate maneuver capability of 30° of bank (15° of bank and 15°
overshoot) to stick shaker is provided at the flap retraction speed. Full
maneuvering capability of at least 40° of bank (25° of bank and 15°
overshoot) is provided when the airplane has accelerated to the
recommended maneuver speed for the selected flap position.
During flap extension, selection of the flaps to the next flap position
should be made when approaching, and before decelerating below, the
maneuver speed for the existing flap position. The flap extension speed
schedule varies with airplane weight and provides full maneuver capability
of at least 40° of bank (25° of bank and 15° overshoot) to stick shaker at
all weights.
Slush/Standing Water Takeoff
Experience has shown that aircraft performance may deteriorate
significantly on runways covered with snow, slush, standing water or ice.
Therefore, reductions in runway/obstacle limited takeoff weight and
revised takeoff speeds are necessary. The tables are intended for guidance
in accordance with advisory material and assume an engine failure at the
critical point during the takeoff.
The entire runway is assumed to be completely covered by a contaminant
of uniform thickness and density. Therefore this information is
conservative when operating under typical colder weather conditions
where patches of slush exist and some degree of sanding is common.
Takeoffs in slush depths greater than 0.5 inches (13 mm) are not
recommended because of possible airplane damage as a result of slush
impingement on the airplane structure. The use of assumed temperature for
reduced thrust is not allowed on contaminated runways. Interpolation for
slush/standing water depths between the values shown is permitted.
Takeoff weight is determined as follows:
1. Determine the dry field/obstacle limit weight for the takeoff flap setting.
2. Enter the Weight Adjustment table (Table 1) with the dry field/obstacle
limit weight to obtain the weight reduction for the slush/standing water
depth and airport pressure altitude.
3. Adjust field length available for temperature by the amount provided in
the notes below the V1(MCG) Limit Weight table (Table 2).
March 1, 2021