737 MAX Flight Crew Operations Manual
Flight Management, Navigation -
FMC Takeoff and Climb
Leg Direction
The leg segment direction is displayed as the title of the waypoint line. Courses
are displayed in magnetic (xxx°) or true (xxx° T). Directions to maintain an arc
display the arc distance, the word ARC followed by the direction, and left or right
(24 ARC L). The computed great circle route leg directions may be different than
chart values. Heading leg segments to conditional waypoints are displayed as
(xxx° HDG) and track leg segments are displayed as (xxx° TRK). Directions may
be displayed as special procedural instructions, such as HOLD AT or PROC
Display is blank for an undefined course.
Waypoint Identifier
The current active leg is always displayed at the top of the first active RTE (X)
LEGS page.
All route waypoints are displayed. Waypoints on an airway are included on the
route legs page. Waypoints appear in flight sequence.
Waypoints can be entered and moved. This includes:
Displays the waypoint by name or condition.
Box prompts are displayed for route discontinuities.
Dashes are displayed for the next line beyond the end of the route.
Required Navigational Position/Actual (RNP/ACTUAL)
Displays the required navigation accuracy compared to actual navigation
Manual entry is allowed.
Distance to Waypoint
Displays the distance from the airplane or the waypoint to the next waypoint.
Vertical Angle Leg
If a leg has a vertical angle from the NDB or has an FPA manually entered on the
DEP/ARR page then GP X.XX° (where X.XX is the angle) is displayed.
1B402 - 1B786, 1B807 - 1J594
If "TEMP COMP" is enabled and a leg has a vertical angle from the NDB or has
an FPA manually entered on the DEP/ARR page and no "TEMP COMP" then 'GP
X.XX' (where X.XX is the angle) is displayed. If an angle is compensated for
temperature "TEMP COMP" then a "
" will preceed the angle "
GP X.XX°".
• adding new waypoints
• removing existing waypoints
• resequencing existing
• linking route discontinuities.
March 1, 2021