March 1, 2021
This Flight Crew Operations Manual (FCOM) has been originally prepared by The Boeing
Commercial Airplanes, Commercial Aviation Services organization, and further customized to
reflect GOL Linhas Aéreas S.A. fleet and flight operations.
This Gol 737 FCOM has been prepared for the exclusive use of Gol Linhas Aéreas S.A. flight
operations personnel under its direction and authority and shall, at all times, remain the property
of Gol Linhas Aéreas S.A. The holder hereof acknowledges and agrees that this manual contains
or may contain trade secrets, copyrighted material and commercial and proprietary information,
privileged and confidential, to the interest of Gol Linhas Aéreas S.A., and the holder hereof
further agrees that this manual may not be reproduced, distributed or copied, in whole or in part,
without the express prior written consent of Gol Linhas Aéreas S.A.
This manual has been developed and is constantly updated based on AFM (Airplane Flight
Prepared by:Captain Fabricio Sulzbacher
Flight Standards & Quality Coordinator
Revised by:Captain Centeno
Flight Standards, Training and Quality Manager
Approved by:Captain Cortez
Flight Operations Director