737 MAX Flight Crew Operations Manual
Normal Procedures -
Amplified Procedures
• Do not use LVL CHG mode after IAF. VNAV should be used or
V/S may be used.
• A follow up of the procedure is mandatory to the crew. Altitude
must be released step by step and can only be released to the next
restriction when compliance is assured, and should occur about 2
NM prior to the next waypoint;
• For an approach through a holding, select Flap 1 at the and of the
outbound leg, and select Flap 5 at the end of the turn;
• At the beginning of the final approach or 3 nm prior FAF, the PF
requests “Landing Gear Down, Flaps 15 and Landing Checklist”.
This will be the final configuration for a One Engine Inoperative
• The PM reads aloud and does the “Landing Checklist”. Visually
confirms flap and gear positions;
• After FAF, with runway in sight and when the aircraft is passing
300 ft below the missed approach altitude, set the missed approach
altitude on the MCP;
• At 1000ft AFE aircraft must be in landing configuration;
• At MDA disengage Autopilot / Autothrottle in order to land or
go-around, as applicable;
• The F/D’s may or may not be reset. Cycling both F/D’s to OFF than
to ON eliminates unwanted commands for both pilots and allows
F/D guidance in event of go-around;
March 1, 2021