737 MAX Flight Crew Operations Manual
Supplementary Procedures -
Adverse Weather
Air conditioning inlets and exits.................................................... Check
Verify that the air inlets and exits, including the outflow valve, are
free of snow and ice.
If the APU is operating, verify that the outflow valve is fully open.
Engine inlets .................................................................................. Check
Verify that the inlet cowling is free of snow and ice.
Verify that the fan is free to rotate.
Snow or ice that accumulates on the fan spinner or fan blades during
extended shutdown periods must be removed by maintenance or
other means before engine start.
Snow or ice that accumulates on the fan spinner or fan blades as a
result of operation in icing conditions, such as during approach or
taxi in, is allowed if the fan is free to rotate and the snow or ice is
removed using the ice shedding procedure during taxi out and
before setting takeoff thrust.
Fuel tank vents ............................................................................... Check
Verify all traces of ice and frost are removed.
Landing gear doors ........................................................................ Check
Landing gear doors should be free of snow and ice.
APU air inlets ............................................................................... Check
The APU inlet door and cooling air inlet must be free of snow and
ice before APU start.
Preflight Procedure - First Officer
Do the following step after completing the normal Preflight Procedure -
First Officer:
PROBE HEAT switches ...........................................................ON
Verify that all probe heat lights are extinguished.
March 1, 2021