Product Features
© 2017, ATEÏS, member of PAX ProAV Group
three amplifiers once they break down and switch on the power supply automatically.
The color of lines indicate the different channel referred to the amplifiers.
1. Orange: Indicate the signal output of the EVAC channel from the master unit connect
to the referred amplifier inputs and send the signal back from the amplifier to the
Amp Inputs of the master unit.
2. Purple/Pink: Indicate the signal output of the EVAC channel from the salve unit
connect to the referred amplifier inputs and send the signal back from the amplifier
to the Amp Inputs of the slave unit.
3. Blue: Indicate the signal output of the Backup channel from the master unit connect
to the referred amplifier inputs and send the signal back from the amplifier to the
Amp Inputs of each master and slave units.
4. Green : Indicate the link of the master unit and slave unit by using Ateis Local-Net.