Product Features
© 2017, ATEÏS, member of PAX ProAV Group
There are 8 zones for speaker connection. each zone consists of following connectors (from left to
P_LINEA: Connect to speaker zone output line A of primary audio processor.
P_LINEB: Connect to speaker zone output line B of primary audio processor.
LINE A: Connect to line A speaker.
LINE B: Connect ot line B speaker.
S_LINE A: Connect to speaker zone output line A of secondary audio processor.
S_LINE B: Connect to speaker zone output line B of secondary audio processor.
Zone Amplifier Output:
There are 8 zones for amplifier output connection, it receive the gained audio signal coming from
normal amplifier, each amplifier output consist of three connectors:
P_AMPO: Connect to normal amplifier output connector of primary audio processor.
AMPO: Connect to output of normal amplifiers.
S_AMPO: Connect to normal amplifier output connector of secondary audio processor.
Backup Amplifier Output:
There are two backup amplifier outputs on RU-MAIN, each output consists of three connectors:
P_AMPO: Connect to backup amplifier output of primary audio processor.
AMPO: Connect to backup amplifier output.
S_AMPO: Connect to backup amplifier output of secondary audio processor.
Backup Amplifier Input:
There are two backup amplifier inputs on RU-MAIN, each input consists of three connectors. N is the
number of channel.
P_BKP N: Connect to backup amplifier input of primary audio processor.
BKP N: Connect to input of backup amplifier.
S_BKP N: Connect to backup amplifier input of secondary audio processor.
RU-CTL device is a device supplied with full-redundancy for audio processor. It is in charge of switching
primary and secondary audio processor to active one of them. If primary audio processor is active, all
signal of peripherals shall be directed to the primary audio processor. RU-CTL device is also capable to
monitor the status of audio processor. If primary audio processor breaks down, RU-CTL device will detect
automatically and switch to secondary audio processor. Front Panel
Secondary Active Indicator:
This LED lights up if active system is primary audio processor.
Primary Active Indicator: