Product Features
© 2017, ATEÏS, member of PAX ProAV Group
3.1.11 Modbus
The IDA8 system is capable to allows to send/receive multiple Modbus status/commands on RS485 port
(the PDC port on IDA8) or Ethernet (TCP/IP). The supported functions which the Modbus clients can
access are ReadHoldingRegisters, ReadInputRegisters, WriteSingleRegister, WriteMultipleRegisters. Once
connected, the Modbus clients can receive a detailed status information from the server (Busy, Faults,
messages list, action of scheduled events) as well as performing the PA functions such as live
broadcasting or message announcements with the pre-recorded message files. IDA8 can handle up to
4,096 speaker lines (100V outputs), 4,096 0dB outputs, 2,048 paging microphones, 999 audio messages
and 100 event schedulers.
The server address of Modbus on IDA8 system can be configured:
With a maximum of 10 Modbus clients.
Port number via TCP/IP: 502 by default.
Parameter of RS485 communication: 115200, E, 8, 1 by default.
Modbus Table:
The maximum of the table size: 65536, and the data with is 16 bits.
The address range of data reading: 0~39999 & 57300~65535
Each Modbus client has the same value.
The address range of data writing: address 38900~53199
Each Modbus client is separated which will not be conflicted.