DSP Components
© 2017, ATEÏS, member of PAX ProAV Group
succeeded: light up in green.
Over/Under: Indicate the calibration result which White Noise Level is over/under the range now.
Response Speed: Select the speed reaction of A.N.G., the speed of adapting the P.M. audio level
depends on the ambient noise.
Paging Activity: Light up when the paging is activated.
Decrease/Increase Zone: Indicate the AGC gain is decreasing/increasing.
Dead/Fast Increase Zone: Indicate the AGC is not changing/is increasing fast.
Sensing Mic Level: Display the input level of sensing microphone.
C/Sensing Mic Level: Display the input level of sensing microphone after the internal calibration
Output Level: Display the output level.
Differential Level: The difference level between the Output level and the C/Sensing Mic level.
Example to Set the A.N.G.
1. Connect the NSM microphone to the S.M. input, and the paging audio source to the P.M. input.
Set the input sensitivity of NSM to 0dB on software. The max. cable length between the NSM and
the audio processor is 500 meter with CAT-5 cable.
2. Link the output of ANG component to an Output component where it is connected to a
3. Click on the [Calibrate] button to start the auto-calibration.
4. The calibration LED will light up in red during the calibration process. Please wait for a while and
do not make punctual noise. The calibration must be done in normal ambient conditions.
5. When the calibration is completed, the LED will turn in green, see the picture as below below.
6. If both Over/Under LEDs are OFF, it means the calibration has properly completed and the A.N.G.
is ready now.
7. If one of the Over/Under LEDs still lights up, it means the White Noise Level is out of range. And a
pop-up window will instruct you what to do. See the pictures as below.