Product Features
© 2017, ATEÏS, member of PAX ProAV Group
no way to know if the circuit outside has a short or not. Therefore, after the user repairs the circuit,
the user needs to reset the monitoring to close the relay to the output audio signal to the speaker
again, so that the IDA8C/S can monitor the short problem again.
Global Reset Monitoring: Click the button to rest the monitoring function on all the IDA8
After completed the parameter settings at the lower part of [Amplifier Gain Setting] page, the IDA8C-
SW will start to measure the value received from the internal circuit, and displays it on the grid at the
upper part of window.
Caption: Indicate the caption of amplifier channel.
Unloaded Reference: Display the value of an unloaded reference which is the gain of an amplifier
when there is no load to the zone. This value is used to determine if there is a fault of a normal
Full Loaded Reference:Display the value of a full loaded reference which is the gain of an amplifier
when there is a full load to the zone. This value is used to determine if there is a fault of a normal
Measure: Display the value of measure, which is the gain of an amplifier.
Amplifier Gain Too High:
If the measurement > (Unloaded Reference x (100% + Tolerance%)), an Amplifier Gain Too High
fault is recognized. And the fault will occurs, please check the following points:
Make sure there is a good connection between the speaker and the IDA8C/S.
Replace the non-working speaker with a working one.
Check the gain of the amplifiers to see if the value has changed after getting a reference.
If all of the above actions have been checked but the amplifier still receives a fault that is too
high, replace the amplifier.
Amplifier Gain Too Low:
If the measurement < (Full Unloaded Reference x (100% - Tolerance%)), an Amplifier Gain Too