User Manual
Rev. 1.1
Microcontroller with LIN and Power Switches for Automotive Applications
Capture/Compare Unit 6 (CCU6) Output Modulation and Level Selection
The last block of the data path is the Output Modulation block. Here, all the modulation sources and the trap
functionality are combined and control the actual level of the output pins (controlled by the modulation
enable bits T1xMODENy and MCMEN in register MODCTR). The following signal sources can be combined here
for each T12 output signal
for compare channel CC60):
• A
T12 related compare signal
CC6x_O (for outputs CC6x) or COUT6x_O (for outputs COUT6x) delivered by
the T12 block (state selection with dead-time) with an individual enable bit T12MODENy per output signal
(y = 0, 2, 4 for outputs CC6x and y = 1, 3, 5 for outputs COUT6x)
• The
T13 related compare signal
CC63_O delivered by the T13 state selection with an individual enable bit
T13MODENy per output signal (y = 0, 2, 4 for outputs CC6x and y = 1, 3, 5 for outputs COUT6x)
• A
multi-channel output signal
MCMPy (y = 0, 2, 4 for outputs CC6x and y = 1, 3, 5 for outputs COUT6x) with
a common enable bit MCMEN
• The
trap state
TRPS with an individual enable bit TRPENy per output signal (y = 0, 2, 4 for outputs CC6x and
y = 1, 3, 5 for outputs COUT6x)
If one of the modulation input signals CC6x_O/COUT6x_O, CC63_O, or MCMPy of an output modulation block
is enabled and is at passive state, the modulated is also in passive state, regardless of the state of the other
signals that are enabled. Only if all enabled signals are in active state the modulated output shows an active
state. If no modulation input is enabled, the output is in passive state.
If the Trap State is active (TRPS = 1), then the outputs that are enabled for the trap signal (by TRPENy = 1) are
set to the passive state.
The output of each of the modulation control blocks is connected to a level select block that is configured by
register PSLR. It offers the option to determine the actual output level of a pin, depending on the state of the
output line (decoupling of active/passive state and output polarity) as specified by the Passive State Select bit
PSLy. If the modulated output signal is in the passive state, the level specified directly by PSLy is output. If it
is in the active state, the inverted level of PSLy is output. This allows the user to adapt the polarity of an active
output signal to the connected circuitry.
The PSLy bits have shadow registers to allow for updates without undesired pulses on the output lines. The
bits related to CC6x and COUT6x (x = 0, 1, 2) are updated with the T12 shadow transfer signal (T12_ST). A read
action returns the actually used values, whereas a write action targets the shadow bits. Providing a shadow
register for the PSL value as well as for other values related to the generation of the PWM signal facilitates a
concurrent update by software for all relevant parameters.
shows the output modulation structure for compare channel CC60 (output signals CC60 and
COUT60). A similar structure is implemented for the other two compare channels CC61 and CC62.