Wide Area Networks (WANs)
LR54 User Guide
e. Use to periods (
) to move back one level in the configuration:
(config network interface WWANPublic)> ..
(config network interface)>
f. Create the
(config network interface)> add WWANPrivate
(config network interface WWANPrivate)>
g. Set the interface type to modem:
(config network interface WWANPrivate)> type modem
(config network interface WWANPrivate)>
h. Set the modem device:
(config network interface WWANPrivate)> modem device wwan
(config network interface WWANPrivate)>
i. Enable
APN list only
(config network interface WWANPrivate)> apn_lock true
(config network interface WWANPrivate)>
j. Set the private APN:
(config network interface WWANPublic)> modem apn
(config network interface WWANPublic)>
5. Create the routing policies. For example, to route all traffic from LAN1 through the public APN,
and LAN2 through the private APN:
a. Add a new routing policy:
(config)> add network route policy end
(config network route policy 0)>
b. Set the label that will be used to identify this route policy:
(config network route policy 0)> label "Route through public apn"
(config network route policy 0)>
c. Set the interface:
(config network route policy 0)> interface
(config network route policy 0)>
d. Configure the source address:
i. Set the source type to
(config network route policy 0)> src type interface
(config network route policy 0)>