Chapter 41: Logging
STANDARD Revision 1.0
C4® CMTS Release 8.3 User Guide
© 2016 ARRIS Enterprises LLC. All Rights Reserved.
configure snmp-server group <groupname> v1 [read <view>] [write <view>] [notify <view>]
configure snmp-server group <groupname> v2c [read <view>] [write <view>] [notify <view>]
configure snmp-server group <groupname> v3 <auth | noauth | priv> [read <view>] [write <view>]
[notify <view>]
configure snmp-server group <groupname> <v1 | v2c> no
configure snmp-server group <groupname> v3 <auth | noauth | priv> no
The read, write, and notify views are each optional: if no ‘write’ view was specified then the group defines read-only
For example:
configure snmp-server group testgroup v3 noauth read testview
User — Refers to the person that uses the manager to access the SNMP agent. The user can be of type SNMPv1, SNMPv2,
or SNMPv3. SNMPv3 will be discussed later. These commands map directly to the SNMP MIB table
"vacmSecurityToGroupTable" as explained in RFC3415.
The CLI commands are:
configure snmp-server user <username> <groupname> <v1 | v2c>
configure snmp-server user <username> <groupname> <v1 | v2c> no
For example:
configure snmp-server user testuser testgroup v2c
Note: In order for the v1/v2c user to be utilized through SNMP, there must exist a corresponding community in the SNMP
MIB table "snmpCommunityEntry"(RFC3416). The username testuser maps to the security name.
The community entry can be modified manually using the commands:
configure snmp-server community <community name string> [security <name>]
For example:
configure snmp-server community public security testuser
The following command disables the community name testuser:
configure snmp-server community testuser no
Note: The community name does not have to be the same as the user name. If they are different, then it is the community
name that needs to be sent in the SNMP message from the client and not the user name.
The user must be associated with a group of the same type (either v1 or v2c) in order for it to work.