Chapter 46: Command Line Descriptions
STANDARD Revision 1.0
C4® CMTS Release 8.3 User Guide
© 2016 ARRIS Enterprises LLC. All Rights Reserved.
configure qos-sc name
Configures a Quality of Service (QoS) service class.
Default Access Level
Command Syntax
configure qos-sc name <service class name> [priority <priority>] [max-tr-rate <0-4294967295>] [max-tr-
burst <1522-4294967295>] [min-res-rate <0-4294967295>] [min-res-pkt <0-4294967295>] [peak-tr-rate <0-
429296295>] [max-burst <0-4294967295>] [poll-int <0-4294967295>] [poll-jitter <0-4294967295>] [grant-
size <0-4294967295>] [grant-int <0-4294967295>] [grant-jitter <0-4294967295>] [grant-per-int <0-127>]
[active-tmout <0-65535>] [adm-tmount <0-65535>] [type <value>] [req-policy <value>] [and-mask <value>]
[or-mask <value>] [required-attr-mask-value <value>] [forbidden-attr-mask-value <value>] [attr-aggr-
rule-mask-value <WORD>] [dir <int>]
configure qos-sc name <service class name> [priority <priority>] [max-tr-rate <0-4294967295>] [max-tr-
burst <1522-4294967295>] [min-res-rate <0-4294967295>] [min-res-pkt <0-4294967295>] [peak-tr-rate <0-
429296295>] [max-burst <0-4294967295>] [poll-int <0-4294967295>] [poll-jitter <0-4294967295>] [grant-
size <0-4294967295>] [grant-int <0-4294967295>] [grant-jitter <0-4294967295>] [grant-per-int <0-127>]
[active-tmout <0-65535>] [adm-tmount <0-65535>] [type <value>] [req-policy <value>] [and-mask <value>]
[or-mask <value>] [required-attr-mask-value <value>] [forbidden-attr-mask-value <value>] [attr-aggr-
rule-mask-value <WORD>] [dir<int>] no
To remove the QoS service class, use the no option
<service class
A predefined Quality of Service configuration referred to by the cable modem in a configuration file and used to encode a Service
Flow according to the parameter values found in the SCN. The maximum length = 15 characters.
[priority <priority>]
Allows service flows to be given priority for delay and buffering. The C4 CMTS uses this field to assign traffic priorities, which are
implemented using a queuing system.
[max-tr-rate <0-
Specifies the rate parameter R of a token-bucket-based rate limit for packets. R is expressed in bits per second. This rate expresses
an upper boundary, not a guarantee that the rate is available.