Chapter 36: Clock Synchronization Protocol
STANDARD Revision 1.0
C4® CMTS Release 8.3 User Guide
© 2016 ARRIS Enterprises LLC. All Rights Reserved.
configure clock network ntp
configure clock network tod
Confirm the NTP configuration:
show ntp <associations |defaults>
associations display the status of NTP associations
display defaults settings for NTP minpool, maxpool and version
For example with associations:
show ntp associations
The following output occurs:
C4/c CMTS (client) default values: minpoll=6 maxpoll=7 ver=4 auth=on
For example with defaults:
show ntp defaults
The following output occurs:
C4/c CMTS (client) default values: minpoll=6 maxpoll=7 ver=4 auth=on
Secure NTP
NTPv4 provides a mechanism for optional authentication of NTP messages. The PacketCable standard does not require the
C4/c CMTS to support this mechanism, but some MSOs do require NTPv4 functionality including authentication. The
following CLI commands control whether NTP authentication mode is active or disabled:
configure ntp authentication
configure ntp no authentication
The default mode for authentication is enabled when configured by the configure ntp server command. When NTP
authentication mode is disabled, all client key configurations are ignored.
NTPv4 symmetric key authentication is based on a shared secret — the key — that is used to create a secure hash of the
contents of an NTP message using the MD5 message digest method. The MD5 secure hash ensures that the NTP message
was created by an authorized client or server and that no other entity has modified it in transit. Note that the contents of