Chapter 29: Security
STANDARD Revision 1.0
C4® CMTS Release 8.3 User Guide
© 2016 ARRIS Enterprises LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Display general <detailed> data on all modems.
Note: Failures will be indicated with a "#" or "!" in the CM
state. (See below)
show cable modem <detail>
The following are examples of Global Settings show commands using limits to request specific outputs:
show cable global-settings | include TFTP Enforce
TFTP Enforce and Dynamic Shared Secret:
show cable global-settings | include Dynamic Shared Secret
TFTP Enforce and Dynamic Shared Secret:
Example of specific cable mac show commands:
show interface cable-mac 1 detail | include TFTP Enforcement
TFTP Enforcement:
show interface cable-mac 1 detail | include Dynamic Secret
Dynamic Secret:
The outputs of the
show cable modem
show cable modem detail
commands print a pound sign "#" before the
modem state if the modem failed TFTP Enforce checks during modem registration and an exclamation point "!" before the
modem state if the modem failed the Dynamic Shared Secret checks during modem registration. If the CM fails both the
TFTP Enforce and Dynamic Shared Secret verifications, only the pound sign (#) is displayed. Modems that fail these security
checks are marked in the show commands whether the mark-only parameter was used or not in the commands to enable
this feature.
The following is an example of the system output of the show cable modem
(TFTP Enforcement Failure)
show cable modem
S/C/P-S/CG/P Mac Bonded State SIS Qos CPE MAC address IP Address
----------------- ----- ------ ----------- --- ------------- --- --------------- -----------------