Chapter 41: Logging
STANDARD Revision 1.0
C4® CMTS Release 8.3 User Guide
© 2016 ARRIS Enterprises LLC. All Rights Reserved.
The transport tag value in the command string below identifies an entry in the snmpTargetAddrTable whose
snmpTargetAddrTagList contains this tag value. If an SNMP management request containing this community is received on
a transport endpoint other than the transport endpoints identified by tag value, the incoming SNMP request is inauthentic.
(reference: RFC3416):
configure snmp-server community <community name string> ttag <transport-tag>
The community index specifies the index in the snmpCommunityTable. It identifies an entry in the table:
configure snmp-server community <community name string> index <community-index>
Create a Basic Configuration for an SNMP v3 User
SNMPv3 users can be set up with or without authentication enabled. If authentication is enabled, privacy may also
optionally be enabled. These commands map directly to the SNMP MIB table "usmUserTable" as explained in RFC3414.
The CLI commands are:
configure snmp-server user <username> <group> v3 [auth <sha | md5> <auth-password> [priv <priv-
configure snmp-server user <username> <group> v3 no
For example:
configure snmp-server user "v3user" "v3group" v3 auth sha "password1" priv "password2"
The same principle of group <-> view associations applies to v3 users as well as v1/v2c users.
Note: A v3 user must be associated with a v3 group. You cannot associate a v3 user with a v1 or v2c group.
Configuring Different Notification Types
To enable/disable the SNMP Authentication Failure Trap, use the following commands:
configure snmp-server enable traps snmp
configure snmp-server enable traps snmp no
Configuring SNMP Notification Receivers
The CLI commands for creating/modifying/deleting hosts are as follows:
configure snmp-server host N.N.N.N traps [udp-port <num>]
configure snmp-server host N.N.N.N informs [udp-port <num> [timeout <num> [retry <num>]]]
The two commands above map directly to the SNMP MIB table "snmpTargetAddrTable" as explained in RFC3413.