Chapter 46: Command Line Descriptions
STANDARD Revision 1.0
C4® CMTS Release 8.3 User Guide
© 2016 ARRIS Enterprises LLC. All Rights Reserved.
configure clock timezone
Configures the local timezone (TZ) and daylight saving time (DST) rules based on <timezone name> or GMT offset. The TZ and DST
adjustments are made automatically whenever the local time is displayed or logged.
Default Access Level
Command Syntax
configure clock timezone <timezone name> | <GMT [+ | -hh[:mm]]
configure clock timezone <timezone name> | <GMT [+ | -hh[:mm]] no
When a <timezone name> is given, the built-in local TZ and DST rules for that TZ location name are activated. This includes
automatic adjustment of local time to TZ & DST and setting of the TZ abbreviation according to the rules. Examples of TZ names are
Europe/Paris or America/Chicago or Asia/Hong_Kong.
When a GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) offset is given, the local TZ is set accordingly, but no DST adjustments are made when local
time is displayed or logged.
By typing
configure clock timezone
at the prompt and not supplying either the TZ location or GMT offset, you will be placed in
interactive mode. The command will then prompt for a country name or two letter ISO-3166 country code (eg.g. US, CA, FR, etc.)
and display a numbered list of the built- in time zone location names for that country. The desired time zone location name can then
be selected by the displayed line number. Note that ISO-3166 code for the United Kingdom is GB (Great Britain) and this command
will support both the commonly used alias UK as well as the standard code GB for the United Kingdom.
To disable the currently active network time synchronization protocol client and configure the C4 CMTS to operate in GMT mode
(this is the default mode), use the no option.
<timezone name>
Country name/zone location, e.g. America/Chicago
<GMT [+ | - hh[:mm]]>
Greenwich Mean Time offset in the form of plus or minus hours (hh) or hours and minutes (hh:mm)
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