Chapter 44: Standard and Enterprise MIBs
STANDARD Revision 1.0
C4® CMTS Release 8.3 User Guide
© 2016 ARRIS Enterprises LLC. All Rights Reserved.
CADANT-CMTS-DOWNCHANNEL-MIB — This MIB contains management definitions to configure, control, and report on
DOCSIS® downstream channels in the C4/c CMTS. The Cadant downstream channel table provides all of the management
functionality of the DOCS-IF-MIB downstream channel table. The Cadant version of the table also contains additional
object definitions to support and control downstream channel features above and beyond the minimum requirements of
CADANT-CMTS-EQUIPMENT-MIB — This MIB contains management information to support the equipment provisioning,
hardware control, diagnostic control, and auditing control of the CMTS.
CADANT-CMTS-EQUIPMENT-MIB — This MIB contains management information to support the equipment provisioning,
hardware control, diagnostic control, and auditing control of the CMTS.
CADANT-CMTS-LAYER2CMTS-MIB — This MIB contains the management definitions to configure, control, and report on
the MAC layer, or layer 2, features of the E6000 CER. Port management, including interface bundling, is the most notable
of these features.
CADANT-CMTS-MAC-MIB — This MIB contains management definitions about the C4/c CMTS’s knowledge of CMs and
CPEs. The ARP table and modem summary tables are examples of these.
CADANT-OSPF-MIB — This MIB is the equivalent of the standard OSPF MIB with the addition of a vrIndex column to
associate an OSPF instance with its respective virtual router.
CADANT-CMTS-SYSTEM-MIB — This MIB contains management definitions to configure, control, and report on the non-
equipment features of the CMTS.
CADANT-CMTS-UPCHANNEL-MIB — This MIB contains management definitions to configure, control, and report on
DOCSIS® upstream channels in the C4/c CMTS. The Cadant upstream channel and modulation profile tables provide all of
the management functionality of the DOCS-IF-MIB upstream channel and modulation tables. The Cadant versions of these
tables also contain additional object definitions to support and control upstream channel features above and beyond the
minimum requirements of DOCSIS®.
CADANT-HW-MEAS-MIB — This MIB contains management definitions to report hardware-based counts and status
information. Many of the objects in this MIB form the foundation of DOCSIS®-required counts and status management
CADANT-VIRTUAL-ROUTER-MIB — This MIB contains management definitions to configure and control the bulk of the
layer 3 features of the C4/c CMTS, including the virtual router feature.