Chapter 46: Command Line Descriptions
STANDARD Revision 1.0
C4® CMTS Release 8.3 User Guide
© 2016 ARRIS Enterprises LLC. All Rights Reserved.
configure cable filter group * index * log
An IP filter will be marked for capturing packets into the capture FIFO. This command only instructs the hardware to capture a
packet when it matches the IP filter. There will be separate commands that will actually cause the captured packet to be placed into
the log.
Default Access Level
Command Syntax
configure cable filter group <1-1023> index <1-63> [dest-ip <ipv4 addr>] [dest-mask <ipv4 mask>] [dest-
port <0-65535>] [ip-proto <int>] [src-ip <ipv4 addr>] [src-mask <ipv4 mask>] [src-port <0-65536>]
[match-action {accept | drop}] [v6-dest-address <ipv6 addr>] [v6-dest-pfxlen <0-128>] [v6-src-address
<ipv6 addr>] [v6-src-pfxlen <0-128>] [v6-flow-label <0-104875>] [ip-version <ipv4 | ipv6 | unknown>] log
configure cable filter group <1-1023> index <1-63> [dest-ip <ipv4 addr>] [dest-mask <ipv4 mask>] [dest-
port <0-65535>] [ip-proto <int>] [src-ip <ipv4 addr>] [src-mask <ipv4 mask>] [src-port <0-65536>]
[match-action {accept | drop}] [v6-dest-address <ipv6 addr>] [v6-dest-pfxlen <0-128>] [v6-src-address
<ipv6 addr>] [v6-src-pfxlen <0-128>] [v6-flow-label <0-104875>] [ip-version <ipv4 | ipv6 | unknown>] log
This command only instructs the hardware to capture a packet when it matches the IP filter. There will be separate commands that
will actually cause the captured packet to be placed into the log.
To delete the packet filter, use the no option.
The number assigned to the group.
index <1-63>
The index of a filter within the current group.
[dest-ip <ipv4 addr>]
IP destination address
[dest-mask <ipv4 mask>]
IP destination address mask
[dest-port <0-65535>]
UDP destination port
[ip-proto <int>]
IP protocol
[src-ip <ipv4 addr>]
IP source address