Chapter 34: Internet Protocol Detail Record
STANDARD Revision 1.0
C4® CMTS Release 8.3 User Guide
© 2016 ARRIS Enterprises LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Set Keep-Alive
To set the keep-alive interval:
configure cable metering keep-alive-interval <1...600>
The default for the keep-alive-interval is 300 seconds.
Configure Collectors
A maximum of five collectors can be configured. The priority range is <1 - 255> with 1 as the highest priority.
To add or remove collector entries:
configure cable metering collector <priority> <ip-address> [no]
Configure Report Cycle Set
Each configured session is associated with a single report cycle set. Each report cycle set consists of a list of up to 96 report
cycles, each report cycle containing a start time and interval duration.
To add or remove report cycle sets as referenced by one or more sessions:
configure cable metering report-cycle set <1-255> [start <hh:mm|random>] [interval <15-1440>] [no]
Note: A new report cycle must fit precisely into the desired time period and must ensure that the immediate preceding
report cycle continues to align timewise with the new cycle. It is recommended that you set start times in quarter hour
intervals and that you use multiples of 15 minutes for interval durations. The maximum number of sets to configure is four.
Configure Sessions
To add or remove the various sessions:
configure cable metering session <1-255> service <samis-1|cpe|cm-reg|cm-us> method
<time|event|adhoc> [data-ack-window <1...65535>:<1...400>] [data-ack-timeout <1...600>] [report-
cycle-set <1...255>] [all-counts] [no]
The data-ack-window has two value ranges: 1-65535 for SAMIS-1 and CPE services, and 1-400 for all other services.