Chapter 23: IPv6
STANDARD Revision 1.0
C4® CMTS Release 8.3 User Guide
© 2016 ARRIS Enterprises LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Configure OSPF at the router level:
configure ipv6 router ospf router-id
Configure the OSPF interfaces:
configure interface ethernet 6/2.0 ipv6 address 2001:cada:c420:1702::2/64
configure interface ethernet 6/2.0 ipv6 ospf area
Configure the static null route for the aggregated range of PDs:
configure ipv6 route fc0d:c420:ffff::/48 null 0
Configure an access list to deny the redistribution range of PD routes that should not get advertised individually (also
known as prefixes for residential customers):
configure ipv6 access-list list1 deny fc0d:c420:ffff::/48
configure ipv6 access-list list1 permit any
Configure the redistribution routes in OSPF. The PD routes for the static commercial range should appear as OSPF LSAs.
The static route for the aggregated range should appear as one OSPF LSA for the entire range (null route).
configure ipv6 router ospf distribute-list list1 out pd
configure ipv6 router ospf redistribute static metric 1
The following configuration line must be identical on all participating C4/c CMTSs. In particular, the metric type and
metric value in this command must be exactly the same for all C4/c CMTSs configured to handle the route collisions
that result from moving the commercial customers from one C4/c CMTS to another.
configure ipv6 router ospf redistribute pd metric 1
Enable OSPF:
configure ipv6 router ospf no shutdown
Enable PDRI (enabled by default):
configure ipv6 pd-route-injection
configure interface cable-mac 1.0 ipv6 pd-route-injection
Enable Prefix Stability (enabled by default):
configure ipv6 prefix-stability
Verifying Prefix-Stability
After all configuration is completed and a modem is registered on SYS-1 and has PD 2009:0DB8:85A2:0631::/64 delegated
to it, move the modem to SYS-2. When the modem gets moved to SYS-2, verify that it gets the same PD