Chapter 16: Dynamic Routing Protocols
STANDARD Revision 1.0
C4® CMTS Release 8.3 User Guide
© 2016 ARRIS Enterprises LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Local PBR
The C4/c CMTS supports local PBR to apply policies to packets sourced from the In-band Management port of the SCM. In-
band Management (also called SCM access) is enabled by the
configure ip scm access
Policies are applied to all IPv4 protocol packets.
CLI Commands for PBR
The following table is a listing of the common PBR commands.
Table 73.
PBR CLI Commands
CLI Command
The first command configures a route map named ReRoute
which matches on access list number 10.
The second command overwrites the first and sets the
ReRoute map to match on ACL 20.
configure route-map-policy ReRoute permit 100 match ip address 10
configure route-map-policy ReRoute permit 100 match ip address 20
The first command configures route map named ReRoute to
match to set the next-hop ip address to
The second command overwrites sequence number 100 and
sets the next-hop ip address to
configure route-map-policy ReRoute permit 100 set ip next-hop
configure route-map-policy ReRoute permit 100 set ip next-hop
This command configures a route map name ReRoute which
matches on access list number 30. The packets which match
the ACL are forwarded using destination-based (not policy-
based) routing because the route map type is deny.
configure route-map-policy ReRoute deny 200 match ip address 30
Deletes the route map named ReRoute.
configure no route-map-policy ReRoute
Deletes only sequence number 30 from the route map named
configure no route-map-policy ReRoute 30
Configures a local policy route map named my_route_map.
configure ip local policy route-map-policy my_route_map