Chapter 19: DOCSIS Set-top Gateway Configuration
STANDARD Revision 1.0
C4® CMTS Release 8.3 User Guide
© 2016 ARRIS Enterprises LLC. All Rights Reserved.
To view the current state of DSG configuration, use the commands:
show cable dsg [verbose]
show interface cable-downstream [<slot>/<port>] cable dsg [verbose]
To view the current forwarding state of DSG configuration, use the following commands:
show ip igmp groups [detail]
show ip mroute
The following diagram shows the layout of advanced DSG configuration:
Figure 85:
Block Diagram of an Advanced DSG Configuration
Note that DSG tunnel groups are used for assigning a group of DSG tunnels to one or more DS cable interfaces. This also
allows the user to assign one or more DSG tunnel groups to a DS cable interface. A DSG tunnel must belong to a group in
order to be associated with a DS cable interface.
The DSG tunnel groups should be determined before starting advanced DSG configuration. However, DSG configuration is
significantly simplified when there is a maximum of one DSG tunnel per DSG tunnel group.