Chapter 46: Command Line Descriptions
STANDARD Revision 1.0
C4® CMTS Release 8.3 User Guide
© 2016 ARRIS Enterprises LLC. All Rights Reserved.
configure interface gigabitethernet * ipv6 nd prefix * at
Sets the lifetime and advertisements for prefix along with the date and time the prefix expires on the specified interface.
Default Access Level
Command Syntax
configure interface gigabitethernet <slot>/<port[.<0-254>]> ipv6 nd prefix <word> at <valid_date>
<preferred_date> [off-link] [no-autoconfig] [autoconfig]
configure interface gigabitethernet <slot>/<port>[.<0-254>] ipv6 nd prefix <word> at <valid_date>
<preferred_date> [off-link] [no-autoconfig] [autoconfig] no
To restore the default setting, use the no option.
RCM slot number/gigabitEthernet port number[.subinterface number].
Valid range for the C4 CMTS is <17-18>/<0-9>[.<0-254>]
Valid range for the C4c CMTS is <17>/<0-9>[.<0-254>]
IPv6 address
Indicates prefix is not locally reachable by hosts and must be routed.
Indicates that the host may not use prefix for auto-configured IPv6 addresses.
Valid date in year:month:day:hour:minute:second
[<preferred_date>] Preferred date in the format: year:month:day:hour:minute:second
Indicates prefix is not locally reachable by hosts and must be routed.
Indicates that the host may not use prefix for auto-configured IPv6 addresses.
Indicates that the host may use prefix for auto-configured IPv5 addresses.