Chapter 46: Command Line Descriptions
STANDARD Revision 1.0
C4® CMTS Release 8.3 User Guide
© 2016 ARRIS Enterprises LLC. All Rights Reserved.
configure interface gigabitethernet * ipv6 address
Configures the Ethernet interface IPv6 address.
Default Access Level
Command Syntax
configure interface gigabitethernet <slot>/<port>[.<0-254>] ipv6 address <addr> [eui-64] [link-local]
configure interface gigabitethernet <slot>/<port>[.<0-254>] ipv6 address <addr> [eui-64] [link-local] no
Note: If you use this command to specify any subinterface other than.0, you must also specify dot1q encapsulation on that
subinterface in order to have a separate IPv6 interface. If you do not, then all of the other subinterfaces ,.1 through .n, will behave
only as another IPv6 address on the primary interface, which is the .0 subinterface.
To remove, use the no option.
RCM slot number/gigabitEthernet port number.[.subinterface number].
Valid range for the C4 CMTS is <17-18>/<0-9>[.<0-254>]
Valid range for the C4c CMTS is <17>/<0-9>[.<0-254>]
IPv6 address / prefix.
Configures the site-local and global IPv6 addresses with an interface identifier (ID) in the low-order 64 bits of the IPv6 address.
Overrides the automatically generated EUI-64 link local address.