Chapter 19: DOCSIS Set-top Gateway Configuration
STANDARD Revision 1.0
C4® CMTS Release 8.3 User Guide
© 2016 ARRIS Enterprises LLC. All Rights Reserved.
When creating a DSG tunnel, the group to which the tunnel belongs, client ID list, and destination MAC address are all
required in order for the DSG rule for this DSG tunnel to be included in the DCD. The SCN is not included in the DCD even
when it is specified.
The command to configure the DSG tunnel parameters is:
configure cable dsg tunnel <dsgTunnelId> tunnel-group <tunnelGrpId> client-id-list <clIdList>
mac-address <dsgTunnelDestMAC> service-class-name <scn>
Note: The SCN parameters for the tunnel take effect when the tunnel is activated. If changes are made to SCN parameters
for an SCN that was used by an active tunnel, those changes do not take place until the tunnel is disabled and re-enabled.
To allow enough time for the disable to take effect, you should allow five seconds between commands, as in the following
configure cable dsg tunnel <dsgTunnelId> disable
wait 5
configure cable dsg tunnel <dsgTunnelId> enable
Note: If no SCN is configured, a default SCN will be used. See the QoS section below.
If there are multiple active tunnels referring to the just modified service class name, the command sequence above must
be repeated for each of those tunnels. Otherwise, the SCN modifications do not take effect on the remaining tunnels.
The command to display the DSG tunnel parameters is:
show cable dsg tunnel [<dsgTunnelId>]
Client ID List
The client id list contains one or more entries each containing:
ID Type (mandatory)
ID Value (mandatory if ID Type is not broadcast)
Vendor-specific Parameters (optional)
There must be at least one entry in the client id list in order for the DSG rule to be included in the DCD. All entries in the list
are included in the DCD.
The command to add an entry in the client ID list is:
configure cable dsg client-id-list <clIdList> [index <value>] type <clIdType> value <clIdValue>
[vsp-list <vendorSetid>]