Chapter 21: Integrated Upstream Agility
STANDARD Revision 1.0
C4® CMTS Release 8.3 User Guide
© 2016 ARRIS Enterprises LLC. All Rights Reserved.
configure cable spectrum-group 1 sample-period 10
configure cable spectrum-group 1 hop-period 180
configure cable spectrum-group 1 min-codewords 512
configure cable spectrum-group 1 retry-period 900
Configure states 1 and 2 of spectrum group 1:
configure cable spectrum-group 1 state 1 frequency 28000000 width 3200000 modulation-profile 2
configure cable spectrum-group 1 state 2 frequency 28000000 width 3200000 modulation-profile 3
Define the next states for triggers 1 and 2:
configure cable spectrum-group 1 state 1 trigger 1 next-state 2
configure cable spectrum-group 1 state 2 trigger 2 next-state 1
Add the upstream channel:
configure interface cable-upstream <slot>/<port> cable spectrum-group <SM_ID>
Use show commands to confirm the desired configuration:
show cable spectrum-group
show cable spectrum-group 1
show cable spectrum-group state
show cable spectrum-group 1 state
show cable spectrum-group trigger
show interface cable-upstream 3/2 spectrum-group history
show interface cable-mac <cablemac> spectrum-group history
Related CLI Commands
Integrated Upstream Agility lets the MSO define states within a particular state machine, also known as a spectrum-group.
A state is defined by the center frequency, the channel width, and the modulation profile for the channel. Each state must
be specified by a pointer (state_ID) whose value is unique within that spectrum-group, indicated by an SM_ID.
A state machine is created in one of two ways. You can either add a state to a state machine, or change one of the
parameters of the state machine. These parameters include sample period, min-codewords, hop period, and retry periods.
Use the following command to add a state to a state machine:
configure cable spectrum-group <SM_ID> state <state_ID> frequency <center_freq> width
<chan_width> modulation-profile <mod_prof>
Where: SM_ID is the state machine identifier, which identifies the particular state machine (or spectrum group) to
which this particular state is being assigned. This is an integer value between 1 and 40. The assigned state is defined by
the three parameters: center frequency, channel width, and modulation profile. This identifier permits multiple state