Chapter 41: Logging
STANDARD Revision 1.0
C4® CMTS Release 8.3 User Guide
© 2016 ARRIS Enterprises LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Asynchronous Terminal Connection
The system console port can be connected to an asynchronous terminal, or a PC with asynchronous terminal emulation
software, such as HyperTerm or Teraterm.
Display Monitor Priority
The following command displays the monitor priority event and utilization statistics:
show logging monitor
An output similar to the following example results:
Monitor: notifications=102
priority=1(emergency), 2(alert), 3(critical)
System Console Session
There is a limit of one system console session at any given time.
Event Display on System Console
By default, no events are displayed on the system console. When desired, system events can be configured to be displayed
on the system console.
System Console Log Commands
The table below and the paragraphs that follow provide the CLI commands that are used to configure, and manage the
C4/c CMTS system console logs.
For more information on these CLI commands see CLI Overview.