Chapter 19: DOCSIS Set-top Gateway Configuration
STANDARD Revision 1.0
C4® CMTS Release 8.3 User Guide
© 2016 ARRIS Enterprises LLC. All Rights Reserved.
show interface cable-downstream [<slot>/<port>] cable dsg [verbose]
The command to view the contents of the list is:
show cable dsg ds-frequency-list [<dsListId>]
DSG Timer Entry
To specify non-default DSG timing values in the DCD, a DSG Timer Entry must be associated with the DS cable interface and
the DSG Timer Entry updated with the new timing values.
The command to associate a DSG Timer Entry with the DS cable interface is:
configure interface cable-downstream <slot>/<port> cable dsg timer-list <timerListId>
A DS timer entry can be referenced by one or more DS cable interfaces.
The command to update the DSG timer values in the entry is:
configure cable dsg timer-list <timerListId> [initialization-tdsg1 <initTimer>] [operational-
tdsg2 <operTimer>] [two-way-tdsg3 <twoWayTimer>] [one-way-tdsg4 <oneWayTimer>]
The command that shows which entry is associated with an interface is:
show interface cable-downstream [<slot>/<port>] cable dsg [verbose]
The command to view the contents of the entry is:
show cable dsg timer-list [<timerListId>]
Note: The DCD will always include a timer list on every channel, even if there is no timer list configured for a channel. If no
timer list is configured, the timer list in the DCD contains the default timer values.
Vendor-specific Parameters
By default, there are no vendor-specific parameters (VSP) in the DSG Configuration part of the DCD. To add vendor-specific
parameters, a VSP list must be associated with the DSG cable interface with one or more entries in the VSP list.
The command to associate a VSP list with the DS cable interface is:
configure interface cable-downstream <slot>/<port> cable dsg vsp-list <vspListId>
A VSP list can be referenced by one or more DS cable interfaces as well as DSG tunnel groups and client id list entries.
The command to add entries in the VSP list is:
configure cable dsg vsp-list <vspListId> [index <value>] oui <vspOUI> value <vspValue>