Chapter 25: Multicast
STANDARD Revision 1.0
C4® CMTS Release 8.3 User Guide
© 2016 ARRIS Enterprises LLC. All Rights Reserved.
show running-config verbose | include igmp
Save this output so that you can restore your IGMP configuration.
Disable IGMP:
configure interface <int> ip igmp no
Enable the Forced Downstream Replication of Multicast Traffic feature:
configure ip multicast cable-mac-fwd-all-ds
Execution of this command causes all downstream multicast traffic for a multicast session to be forwarded across all
downstream channels in the MAC domain associated with that multicast session. After this feature has been enabled,
IGMP can once again be enabled.
Configure IGMP. Use the output from step 1 in this procedure, if available.
To disable this feature, execute the following procedure.
To Disable Forced Downstream Replication of Multicast Traffic
If you have turned IGMP back on, you must again disable it before disabling the Forced Downstream Replication of
Multicast Traffic feature. First, make a record of the current IGMP configuration:
show running-config verbose | include igmp
Use the following command to disable IGMP:
configure interface <int> ip igmp no
Disable Forced Downstream Replication of Multicast:
configure ip multicast cable-mac-fwd-all-ds no
(Optional) Configure IGMP. Use the output from step 1 of this procedure, if available.
Operational Guidelines
Operators that enable this feature should be aware of the following:
With this feature enabled, all multicast traffic is forwarded as non-MDF. Regardless of the setting for MDF on the MAC
Domain, if this feature is enabled then multicast traffic will be transmitted without a DSID label.