Chapter 31: Load Balancing
STANDARD Revision 1.0
C4® CMTS Release 8.3 User Guide
© 2016 ARRIS Enterprises LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Enter the following command to display the service type provisioned for cable modems and the C4/c CMTS:
show cable load-balance cm-service-type
(Note that the following is a partial output from the command.)
MAC Address Grp Id CMProv Srv Type Grp Id Prov Srv Type Policy Id
-------------- ---------- ------------------ ---------- --------------- ----------
000f.9f7a.eaf8 0 (
xyz) 100 abc 0
Note: If a CM config file and the C4/c CMTS provisioning specify different service-type IDs, the C4/c CMTS provisioned
value takes precedence.
In this partial example, the C4/c CMTS service type takes precedence over the CM provisioning. The CM provisioned
service type, xyz, is in parentheses to indicate that it is not being used.
Load Balance Actions
Ranging Time Load Balance Actions
Static load balancing occurs during the initial ranging process. This is the first opportunity for load balancing. At this time,
the CM may be requested to move to a lighter loaded upstream channel via an upstream channel override in the range
Note: The modem’s configuration settings are not known at this time. Therefore, the load balancing policy/rules of the
GLBG containing the modem’s primary downstream and upstream channels is used.
Static load balancing does not occur if any of the following is true:
General load balancing is disabled.
The modem is on the load balancing OUI exclude list.
The associated GLBG is disabled.
The init-technique of the associated GLBG is not configured.
The load balancing policy associated with the GLBG is disabled.
The type of the associated load balancing policy does not include static.