Chapter 22: Channel Bonding
STANDARD Revision 1.0
C4® CMTS Release 8.3 User Guide
© 2016 ARRIS Enterprises LLC. All Rights Reserved.
configure no cable modify-primary-DS-RCC
Disable dynamic load-balancing. To do this, either turn off dynamic load balancing for the modem’s MAC domain, or
turn it off for all MAC domains using the default group using one of the commands below:
configure cable fiber-node <name> cable-mac <#> load-balance enable no
configure cable load-balance general-group-defaults enable no
Or instead of using one of these CLI commands, you may assign the modem to a policy or restricted load-balancing group
that is disabled. See the
(page 890) for more information.
Per-packet Channel Selection for Bonding Groups
When distributing packets across the multiple channels of a bonding group, the C4/c CMTS uses a rolling utilization
average to determine the least loaded channel within the flow’s bonding group. The aim of the packet distribution
algorithm is to load-balance for the purpose of even utilization across all of the channels (not just those in the bonding
group). The packets are transmitted on the channel within the bonding group which is loaded lightest at the time that the
packet is to be transmitted. The algorithm will automatically adjust to handle channels with different bandwidth capacities.
No configuration is necessary for this feature.
Note: Due to the use of the rolling utilization average distribution algorithm, the C4/c CMTS may send 2 or 3 packets in a
row on the same channel. This is normal operation; therefore, you should not expect perfect distribution of downstream
Upstream Channel Bonding (USCB)
The C4/c CMTS supports upstream channel bonding in accordance with the DOCSIS 3.0 US bonding specification. It
currently supports the bonding of four (4) upstream channels for one service flow.
If the chassis and physical plant have already been configured to support Downstream Channel Bonding, then USCB can be
enabled with the following two commands:
Enable Multiple Transmit Channel mode:
configure interface cable-mac <mac> cable mult-tx-chl-mode
Enable dynamic upstream bonding groups:
configure interface cable-mac <mac> cable upstream-bonding-group dynamic enable