Chapter 6: System Control Module (SCM)
STANDARD Revision 1.0
C4® CMTS Release 8.3 User Guide
© 2016 ARRIS Enterprises LLC. All Rights Reserved.
SCM 3 Operational Interaction
When an SCM 3 and a prior-version SCM (SCM or SCM II (EM)) are plugged into the same chassis running Release 8.1,
there will be no undesirable physical interaction but one of the following scenarios will happen:
Scenario 1 — When a C4 CMTS is operating with a single, prior-version SCM and an SCM 3 is then inserted, the system will
continue normal operation in single SCM mode with the prior-version SCM active but will ignore the SCM 3. Any attempts
to bring the SCM 3 into an operational state will be rejected and the SCM3 modules will remain OOS. In addition, the active
SCM will generate a log at the ERROR level declaring that the clone cannot be made duplex operational.
Scenario 2 — When a C4 CMTS is operating with a single SCM 3 and a prior-version SCM is inserted, the system will
continue normal operation in single SCM mode with the SCM 3. The system will ignore the prior-version SCM and any
attempts to bring the prior-version SCM into an operational state will be rejected and the prior version SCM will remain
OOS. The active SCM will generate a log at the ERROR level declaring the SCM vintage mismatch cannot be made duplex
Scenario 3 — If the C4 CMTS powers up or the system resets with a mismatched control complex (one SCM 3 and one
prior-version SCM), which SCM is selected as the active SCM is indeterminate, but historically will favor slot 19. Since the
control complex is mismatched, the SCM not chosen will remain out-of-service (OOS). If the SCM 3 is active, it will generate
a log at the ERROR level declaring that the clone cannot be made duplex operational because it is not an SCM 3. If the non-
SCM 3 is active, then it will generate a log at the ERROR level declaring that the clone cannot be made duplex operational.
In this case it is not possible for the non-SCM 3 to determine why.
Out-of-Band Management on the SCM 3
For the SCM 3, the SCM PIC ethernet interface will support and advertise the following speeds:
10baseT (portType eport10BaseT(3)) and
100baseT (portType eport100BaseT(4)), full duplex
1000baseT is not supported with the current SCM PIC.
The default active/operational interface for the SCM 3 is the rear PIC ethernet. The front port can be made
active/operational using the serial control interface boot dialog. As with prior version SCMs, Link/Activity LEDs only reside
on the SCM 3 front panel. For the SCM 3, however, these Link/Activity LEDs only reflect the status of the front panel