Chapter 23: IPv6
STANDARD Revision 1.0
C4® CMTS Release 8.3 User Guide
© 2016 ARRIS Enterprises LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Configure the IS-IS circuit:
configure interface ethernet 6/2.0 ipv6 address 2001:cada:c422:1702::2/64
configure interface ethernet 6/2.0 ipv6 router isis
configure interface ethernet 6/2.0 isis protocol no shutdown
Configure a static null route for the aggregated range of the PD:
configure ipv6 route fc0d:c422:ffff::/48 null 0
Configure access list to deny redistribution of a range of PD routes that should not get advertised individually (also
known as prefixes for residential customers):
configure ipv6 access-list list1 deny fc0d:c422:ffff::/48
configure ipv6 access-list list1 permit any
Configure the redistributing routes in ISIS. The PD routes for the static commercial range should appear as IS-IS LSP.
The static route for the aggregated range should appear as one IS-IS LSP for the entire range (null route).
configure router isis address-family ipv6 distribute-list list1 out pd
configure router isis address-family ipv6 redistribute static level-1
The following command line must be identical on all participating C4/c CMTSs. In particular, the metric type and metric
value in this command must be exactly the same for all C4/c CMTSs configured to handle the route collisions that result
from moving the commercial customers from one C4/c CMTS to another.
configure router isis address-family ipv6 redistribute pd level-1
Enable IS-IS:
configure router isis shutdown no
Enable PDRI (enabled by default):
configure ipv6 pd-route-injection
configure interface cable-mac 1.0 ipv6 pd-route-injection
Enable Prefix Stability (enabled by default):
configure ipv6 prefix-stability
The second part of this procedure begins here. It serves to configure the second C4/c CMTS in this example of Prefix
Stability using IS-IS.
To Configure ISIS on SYS-2
Configure IS-IS at the node level:
configure router isis is-type level-1
configure router isis net 47.0001.0002.0003.0044.00