Chapter 45: CLI Overview
STANDARD Revision 1.0
C4® CMTS Release 8.3 User Guide
© 2016 ARRIS Enterprises LLC. All Rights Reserved.
cpe-mac - MAC Address of the CPE
cpe-type - CPE Type
crc - CRC errors
docsis-mac - Maximum DOCSIS capability of the CM
docsis-prov - Provisioned DOCSIS capability of the CM
fec-corrected - Corrected FEC codewords
fec-percent-uncorrected - Percent Uncorrected FEC codewords
fec-uncorrected - Uncorrected FEC codewords
fec-unerrored - Unerrored FEC codewords
filter-cm - Filter group CM UP and DOWN for each modem
flap-last-flap - Previous state before modem flapped
flap-prev-state - Previous state before modem flapped
flaps-prov - CM flaps after ranging, but prior to registering
flaps-ranging - CM flaps during ranging
flaps-reg - CM flaps after registering
fpccm-online - Number of online CCMs for this FlexPath CM
fpcm-cpe - Number of currently detected CPEs for all online CCMs
in this FlexPath CM
fpcm-id - FlexPath device ID
fpcm-qos - Sum of all QoS values for all online CCMs in this
FlexPath CM
hcs - HCS errors
interface - Cable interface
interface-docsis20 - Cable interface
l2vpn-id - L2VPN ID name
l2vpn-qtag - Outer VLAN Id
load-bal-grp - Load Balance Group
microreflec - Microreflections measured at the CMTS
policed-down - Policing dropped downstream bytes
power-adj - Number of power adj greater than threshold value
qos - Aggregrate Tmax and Tmin of all flows
rec-pwr - Upstream received power measured at the CMTS
response-percent - Ranging requests received divided by opportunities
service-type-curr - Current Service Type Id TLV the CM signaled to the
during registration
service-type-prov - Provisioned Service Type ID TLV the CM signaled to the
CMTS during registration
sid - Primary SID
snr - Upstream SNR signal-to-noise ratio measured at the CMTS
state - CM state
state-docsis20 - CM state
timing - Timing offset
uptime - Latest uptime, even for offline modems
vendor - CM vendor name- Number of currently detected CPEs for