Chapter 30: Unified Electronic Surveillance
STANDARD Revision 1.0
C4® CMTS Release 8.3 User Guide
© 2016 ARRIS Enterprises LLC. All Rights Reserved.
that is inactive but that you wish to activate later. Use the tos keyword only if you wish to override the default value of
0x22 for UDP/IP encapsulation. Use the no form of the command to delete the LI tap session.
(Optional) To remove the tap created in the previous step, enter the following command:
configure cable intercept no subscriber 0001.0203.aaaa
Enter config-cable-intercept mode:
configure cable intercept
User Id: JohnDoe
Password: TopSecret
Configuring the intercept source interface specifies the source IPv4 address used by the C4/c CMTS.
To confirm the status of the tap sessions for a specific subscriber or all tap sessions:
show cable intercept [subscriber <CM MAC address>] [userid <string>] [password <string>]
If you include the keyword subscriber this command displays tap session status for that subscriber only.
An example to display all tap sessions is:
show cable intercept
The output of the command above shows a list of the statuses for all tap sessions for all subscribers. Sample output:
Tap Mediation Dev
Status CM MAC Addr IP Addr UDP TOS Expires CCC-ID Packets
------- -------------- --------------- ----- ---- ---------------- ---------- ----------
Online 0001.0203.aaaa 12345 0x22 06/19/2010-13:0 1 4
Create or Delete an LI tap on IPv6 Modem
The following procedure provides a method to create or delete an LI tap on an IPv6 modem:
To Create or Delete Legal Intercept Taps
Execute the following command to create an LI tap for a modem that is registered with an IPv6 address and IPv6 CPE:
configure cable intercept userid mdaccess password mdaccess subscriber <mac> enable md <md ipaddr>
udp 30001 until <future date>
To delete a single LI tap on an IPv6 modem:
configure cable intercept userid mdaccess password madaccess subscriber <mac> md <ip_address> no
To delete all taps against a single IPv6 modem if there are more than one, enter:
configure cable intercept userid mdaccess password mdaccess subscriber <mac> no