Chapter 46: Command Line Descriptions
STANDARD Revision 1.0
C4® CMTS Release 8.3 User Guide
© 2016 ARRIS Enterprises LLC. All Rights Reserved.
configure interface cable-downstream * cable load-balance group
Adds a downstream channel to the specified restricted load-balance group.
Default Access Level
Command Syntax
configure interface cable-downstream <slot/port> cable load-balance group <group>
configure interface cable-downstream <slot/port> cable load-balance group <group> no
Note: A system must have at least one fiber-node configured before you can create, configure, and assign any restricted load-
balance groups to any interface. To successfully execute this command, you must:
1. Create one fiber node
configure cable fiber-node <abc>
2. Create a restricted load-balance group (RLBG)
configure interface cable-mac 1 cable load-balance group 10
3. Assign RLBG to an interface (e.g. where 5/0 is in cable-mac 1):
configure interface cable-downstream <slot/port> cable
oad-balance group 10
To remove a downstream channel from the specified restricted load-balance group, use the no option.
The chassis slot in which the targeted downstream Cable Access Module resides. Valid range for the C4 CMTS is 0-15; valid range for
the C4c CMTS is 10-15.
The downstream port.
Unsigned integer. Valid range is 1-8388607.
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