Chapter 46: Command Line Descriptions
STANDARD Revision 1.0
C4® CMTS Release 8.3 User Guide
© 2016 ARRIS Enterprises LLC. All Rights Reserved.
configure interface cable-mac * cable insertion-interval
Defines the amount of time in centiseconds between broadcast ranging opportunities. A cable modem will use broadcast ranging
opportunities when it is first attempting to communicate with the C4 CMTS.
Default Access Level
Command Syntax
configure interface cable-mac <mac> cable insertion-interval <centiseconds>
configure interface cable-mac <mac> cable insertion-interval [<centiseconds>] no
Decreasing this parameter will increase the overhead on the entire system. Increasing this parameter can significantly increase the
time for a cable modem to re-register after an outage.
When changing this parameter, one should also consider the ranging backoff parameter which is configured per upstream channel.
Ranging backoff defines the number of broadcast ranging opportunities that a cable modem must wait after experiencing a
contention. If you increase the insertion interval, you will increase the time it takes cable modems to range and register. You may
choose to lower the ranging-backoff parameter to offset that.
To reset the default value, use the no option.
The MAC identifier. Valid numbers are 0-415.
Maximum permissible value is 2000. Valid range is 0 to 200 centiseconds.
Default is set at 40 centiseconds