Chapter 16: Dynamic Routing Protocols
STANDARD Revision 1.0
C4® CMTS Release 8.3 User Guide
© 2016 ARRIS Enterprises LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Sys Adj
System ID Interface SNPA State Hold Type Type Circuit Id Protocol
-------------- ---------------------- --------------- ----- ----- ---- ---- ------------------- --------
0100.8500.9001 gigabitEthernet 17/9.0 000b.45b6.0100 Up 9 L1/2 L1 TR11.01 M-ISIS
0100.8500.9001 gigabitEthernet 17/9.0 000b.45b6.0100 Up 9 L1/2 L2 TR11.01 M-ISIS
Note: If the connected router does not support MT IS-IS, the protocol will display IS-IS in the above output. If the neighbor
row says ‘IS-IS’, it only indicates that the remote IS is using regular IS-IS TLVs on that interface. The C4/c CMTS can still send
MT TLVs based on its own system/interface configuration. The C4/c CMTS's MT support can be verified using the
isis protocol
command. If you are not seeing IPv6 routes and you think you should, then an inconsistent configuration
between the C4/c CMTS and the northern router may be the cause.
To display the multi-topology system status, use the following command:
show isis protocol
The system display will look similar to the following:
IS-IS Router: default
IS-IS routing Enabled
IS-IS multi-topology Enabled
System ID: 0100.6000.0002
IS-Type: level-1
Max LSP Lifetime: 1200 seconds
Max time to delay after LSP event: 5000 milliseconds
Override the routing calculation delay when the number of updates reach: infinite
Routing calculation is to be paused: 10000 times
Manual area address(es):
Interfaces supported by IS-IS:
gigabitEthernet 17/0 - IP - IPv6 level-L1
gigabitEthernet 18/0 - IP - IPv6 level-L1
Administrative distances:
Internal level-1: 115
Internal level-2: 116
External level-1: 117
External level-2: 118
Level-1 generates: wide
Level-1 accepts: wide
Level-2 generates: wide
Level-2 accepts: wide