Chapter 16: Dynamic Routing Protocols
STANDARD Revision 1.0
C4® CMTS Release 8.3 User Guide
© 2016 ARRIS Enterprises LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Configure the OSPFv3 router-id.
Enabling OSPFv3 globally.
Configuring the network according to standard configuration parameters: set router id, hello timer, dead timer, and
network type (broadcast, point-to-point, virtual link).
Verifying OSPFv3 is running as configured.
Note: It is beyond the scope of this User Guide to supply recommendations for reviewing network architecture for all
OSPFv3 configuration possibilities.
Passive Interface Configuration
Cable-side interfaces are advertised in OSPFv3 by configuring these interfaces as passive interfaces in order to suppress the
unnecessary hellos that would be sent on the downstream. This could also reduce the number of LSAs needed to advertise
all the cable-side interface addressees.
Configure OSPFv3 with Cable-side Interfaces as Passive Interfaces
OSPFv3 requires the user to define the router ID and will not allow OSPFv3 to come into service until then.
To enable OSPFv3 as a passive interface on the C4/c CMTS:
Enter the following command to configure the router ID:
configure ipv6 router ospf router-id
Where: is the unique router id
Note: If the router-id is not provisioned, OSPFv3 will not be allowed to come into service.
Enter the following command to enable OSPFv3 for an specified interface:
configure interface {cable-mac <mac> | loopback <0-15> | gigabitethernet <slot>/<port> |
tengigabitethernet <slot>/<port>} ipv6 ospf area <word>
cable-mac <mac>
is the MAC identifier
loopback <0-63>
is the loopback interface number