Chapter 46: Command Line Descriptions
STANDARD Revision 1.0
C4® CMTS Release 8.3 User Guide
© 2016 ARRIS Enterprises LLC. All Rights Reserved.
configure interface cable-mac * ip ospf dead-interval
Sets the interval at which hello packets must not be seen before neighbors declare the router down.
Default Access Level
Command Syntax
configure interface cable-mac <mac[.s]> ip ospf dead-interval <interval>
configure interface cable-mac <mac[.s]> ip ospf dead-interval <[interval>] no
In OSPF operation the dead interval must be greater than the hello interval. It is recommended that the dead interval be set to a
value greater than two times the hello interval.
Defaults: hello interval = 10 seconds;
dead interval = 40 seconds.
Fast Hello Functionality--When the dead interval is set to one second, Fast Hello timers are used. The ospfPmIfFastHelloMultiplier
MIB object is used to determine the hello interval instead of the configured hello interval value. This object determines the number
of OSPF HELLO packets that should be sent within one second. The default value is 5 packets and is not configurable. Thus, if you set
the dead interval to one second, then you automatically change the hello interval to 200 ms.
Changing the dead interval to any value greater than one second disables the Fast Hello timers. The ospfPmIfFastHelloMultiplier MIB
object is no longer used.
To disable the OSPF dead-interval, use the no option.
The MAC identifier and optional sub interface.
Link state metric with value range from 0 to 65535. Default = 40.
CAUTION; Any user wishing to enable Fast Hello functionality must first contact ARRIS Technical Support to determine if it is
feasible for his/her site.