Chapter 26: Connection Admission Control
STANDARD Revision 1.0
C4® CMTS Release 8.3 User Guide
© 2016 ARRIS Enterprises LLC. All Rights Reserved.
For 12U or 24U CAMs
To show the current settings for an upstream channel, enter:
show controllers cable-upstream <slot/uport>
To show the current PacketCable bandwidth allocation/usage of a single CAM, enter:
show interface cable <slot> allocated-bandwidth
To show the current setting for all the downstream channels or all the upstream channels (depending on card specified),
show controllers cable <slot>
Preemption of Normal Calls by Emergency Calls
If completion of an emergency call would cause the channel to exceed the allowed-total-percentage CAC limit, the C4/c
CMTS randomly searches for an existing normal call on that channel to preempt. If a normal call to preempt is found, the
C4/c CMTS simultaneously initiates a tear-down of that normal call while allowing the emergency call to be set up.
The C4/c CMTS always follows the packetcable voice-limit emergency-preemption configuration to determine if a PCMM
normal priority flow can be preempted by an emergency priority flow.
The following command is used to configure emergency preemption of PCMM normal flows. By default, emergency
preemption is enabled. Use the no version of this command to disable emergency preemption.
configure packetcable voice-limits emergency-preemption [no]
The C4/c CMTS does not allow preemption to be configured on a per-gate basis.
Data Consistency Checks
The C4/c CMTS uses the following rules to ensure that data is consistent:
Percent reserved-normal can never be greater than percent allowed-normal and percent reserved-emergency can
never be greater than percent allowed-emergency