Chapter 18: Baseline Privacy Interface (BPI)
STANDARD Revision 1.0
C4® CMTS Release 8.3 User Guide
© 2016 ARRIS Enterprises LLC. All Rights Reserved.
(Example) To copy the CM Certificate(s) in the docsBpi2CmtsProvisionedCmCertEntry MIB table to an ASCII file named
cmcerts.txt in the certs directory on the C4/c CMTS flash disk, use the following command:
copy provcmcert-config /system/certs/cmcerts.txt
Note: All CM certificates are provisioned with a default trust value of trusted. An operator may choose to change this value
via a MIB browser or CLI command. If an authorization request is received and a CM Certificate identical to the CM
certificate received from the CM has been provisioned for that MAC address, the C4/c CMTS disregards the CM certificate
provided in the auth request and use the trust value associated with the provisioned CM certificate for validation.
Provisioning X.509 Certificates
CA Certificates
To install certificates in the CA certificate MIB table:
configure cable privacy add-certificate manufacturer <LINE Hex-data>
(Example) To add a manufacturer certificate to the CA certificate MIB table:
configure cable privacy add-certificate manufacturer 308203da 308202c2 a0030201 02021045 529c2654
797e1623 c6e72318 0a9e9c30 0d06092a 864886f7 0d010105 05003081 97310b30 09060355 04061302
03f49678 943c7153 82f6f168 123dd439 fd7221d1 c76414d7 7218c479 34be7cc1 51821b88 fcc717d7
9ea522c9 93c239e5 e3130528 8e5d0946 dc378ffc 1234
To remove certificates in the CA certificate MIB table:
configure cable privacy no add-certificate manufacturer <LINE Hex-data>
(Example) To remove a manufacturer certificate from the CA certificate MIB table, use one of the following commands:
configure cable privacy add-certificate manufacturer no index <index number>
configure cable privacy no add-certificate manufacturer
308203da 308202c2 a0030201 02021045 529c2654 797e1623 c6e72318 0a9e9c30 0d06092a 864886f7
0d010105 05003081 97310b30 09060355 04061302 55533139