8-bit, 9-bit and 10-bit data modes
The LPUART transmitter and receiver can be configured to operate in 9-bit data mode by
setting the LPUART_CTRL[M] or 10-bit data mode by setting LPUART_CTRL[M10].
In 9-bit mode, there is a ninth data bit in 10-bit mode there is a tenth data bit. For the
transmit data buffer, these bits are stored in LPUART_CTRL[T8] and
LPUART_CTRL[T9]. For the receiver, these bits are held in LPUART_CTRL[R8] and
LPUART_CTRL[R9]. They are also accessible via 16-bit or 32-bit accesses to the
LPUART_DATA register.
For coherent 8-bit writes to the transmit data buffer, write to LPUART_CTRL[T8] and
LPUART_CTRL[T9] before writing to LPUART_DATA[7:0]. For 16-bit and 32-bit
writes to the LPUART_DATA register all 10 transmit bits are written to the transmit data
buffer at the same time.
If the bit values to be transmitted as the ninth and tenth bit of a new character are the
same as for the previous character, it is not necessary to write to LPUART_CTRL[T8]
and LPUART_CTRL[T9] again. When data is transferred from the transmit data buffer to
the transmit shifter, the value in LPUART_CTRL[T8] and LPUART_CTRL[T9] is
copied at the same time data is transferred from LPUART_DATA[7:0] to the shifter.
The 9-bit data mode is typically used with parity to allow eight bits of data plus the parity
in the ninth bit, or it is used with address-mark wakeup so the ninth data bit can serve as
the wakeup bit. The 10-bit data mode is typically used with parity and address-mark
wakeup so the ninth data bit can serve as the wakeup bit and the tenth bit as the parity bit.
In custom protocols, the ninth and/or tenth bits can also serve as software-controlled
markers. Idle length
An idle character is a character where the start bit, all data bits and stop bits are in the
mark postion. The CTRL[ILT] register can be configured to start detecting an idle
character from the previous start bit (any data bits and stop bits count towards the idle
character detection) or from the previous stop bit.
The number of idle characters that must be received before an idle line condition is
detected can also be configured using the CTRL[IDLECFG] field. This field configures
the number of idle characters that must be received before the STAT[IDLE] flag is set,
the STAT[RAF] flag is cleared and the DATA[IDLINE] flag is set with the next received
Functional description
KL27 Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 5, 01/2016
Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.