Peripheral Units (Vol. 2 of 2)
Micro Link Interface (MLI)
User’s Manual
V2.0, 2007-07
MLI, V2.0
size). The Transfer Windows are the logical data inputs for the MLI transmitter. Data
write actions via MLI are initiated by a write access to a Transfer Window, whereas data
read actions are started by a read access from a Transfer Window.
Each MLI module supports up to four independent Transfer Windows, one for each pipe.
In the implementation of a specific device, a Transfer Window can appear at several
locations in the address map. Here, each Transfer Window can be accessed at two
different address ranges with two different window sizes (one 64 Kbyte and one 8 Kbyte
area for each Transfer Window), leading to:
Four Small Transfer Windows STW with 8 Kbyte address range each and
Four Large Transfer Windows LTW with 64 Kbyte address range each
If the address areas of the four small transfer windows together form a 64 Kbyte address
range (aligned to its size), then a single MLI pipe can pass through a device with several
MLI modules before being split up in a target device into 4 independent Remote
Remote Window
A Remote Window is an area in the address space of the receiving controller. Remote
Window parameters (base address and size) of the receiving controller are
programmable by the transmitting microcontroller by MLI transfers, independently for
each pipe. Each Remote Window of a receiving controller is related to specific Transfer
Window of the transmitting controller.
The Remote Windows are the logical data outputs of the MLI receiver. If enabled, the
MLI module can automatically execute the requested data transfer to/from the defined
address location in the Remote Window. If the automatic data handling is disabled, the
offset and the data are available in the MLI receiver registers and have to be handled by
software. Remote windows can not be accessed by read or write accesses by software
of the Remote Controller (either the data is automatically transferred or it is located in
receiver registers).
A pipe defines the logical connection between a Transfer Window in the transmitting
controller and the associated Remote Window in the receiving controller. The MLI
protocol supports four independent pipes.
A frame is a contiguous set of bits forming a message sent by an MLI transmitter to an
MLI receiver.
Normal Frame
is a frame used for data exchange between a transmitting and a
receiving controller (read request and write data from a Local Controller to a Remote